PhD Supervisor
Jisen Zhang
Release date:2024-08-14

Jisen Zhang


Professor   and doctoral supervisor at Guangxi University. National Major Talent Program   (Youth Project), Director of the State Key Laboratory for conservation and   utilization of Subtropical Agricultural Biological Resources.


Telephone: +86


In   2001, graduated from Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University;

In   2007, he received his Ph.D. from Fujian Agriculture And Forestry University;

In   2008-2012, Postdoctoral work at the University of Illinois at Urbana   Champaign;

In   2013, Appointed as a professor and doctoral   supervisor at Fujian A&F University;

In   2022, Director of the State Key Laboratory for conservation and utilization   of Subtropical Agricultural Biological Resources;

In   2023, Serving as the Secretary of the Party Committee of the College of   Agriculture, Guangxi University.


Genomics   and biotechnology


Sugarcane   Genomics and Molecular Breeding


He   is primarily focused on researching the genomes and biological traits of   tropical and subtropical crops, with a particular emphasis on sugarcane. His   work includes systematic research on the genomics of sugarcane and the   molecular biology of its significant traits. Over the past decade, he has led   20 research projects, including the National Key Research and Development   Program (Sugarcane), 863 sub-projects, sub-tasks of the National Key Research   and Development Program, and the National Natural Science Foundation of   China. His research has resulted in over 130 articles published in reputable   journals such as Cell, Nature Genetics, PNAS, Genome Research, Genome   Biology, Molecular Plant, Current Opinion in Plant Biology, and Plant   Biotechnology Journal. Additionally, he has been authorized by the Ministry   of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China. His contributions also   include 4 authorized patents, 2 provincial and ministerial awards, being   recognized as a top 100 high-yield author in Agricultural Genetics and   Genetics Global from 2016 to 2020, and being selected within the top 2% of   the "2023 Scientific Influence Ranking". Furthermore, he has   co-edited 1 textbook and contributed to the co-editing of 2 others.


[1]    In 2017,   Fujian 14th Youth Science and Technology Award.

[2]    In 2022,   Fujian Province High-level Talents Category B

[3]    In   2022, National "Shennong Young Talents" Program Selectee


[1]    Tianyou   Wang *, Baiyu Wang *, Xiuting Hua*, Haibao Tang*, …, Ray Ming, Wei Yao†, Jisen   Zhang†A complete gap-free diploid genome in Saccharum complex and the   genomic footprints of evolution in the highly polyploid Saccharum genus.   2023. Nature Plants.10.1038/s41477-023-01378-0

[2]    Qing   Zhang#, Yiying Qi#, Haoran Pan#, Haibao Tang#, …, Baoshan Chen, Muqing Zhang,   Ray Ming, Jisen Zhang*. Genomic insights into the recent chromosome   reduction of complex autopolyploid sugarcane S. spontaneum.2022. Nature   Genetics. 10.1038/s41588-022-01084-1

[3]    Jisen   Zhang*#,   Xingtan Zhang#, Haibao Tang#, Qing Zhang#, Xiuting Hua, Xiaokai Ma,   ....,Chifumi Nagai*,Ray Ming*. Allele-defined genome of the autopolyploid   sugarcane Saccharum spontaneum L..2018. Nature Genetics, DOI:   10.1038/s41588-018-0237-2.50 : 1565–1573

[4]    Duo   Chen†, Qing Zhang†, Weiqi Tang†, Zhen Huang†, Gang Wang†, Yongjun Wang,   Jiaxian Shi, Huimin Xu, Lianyu Lin, Zhen Li, …, Marc Van Montagu*, Haibao   Tang*, Yves Van de Peer*, Youqiang Chen*, and Jisen Zhang*. The   evolutionary origin and domestication history of goldfish (Carassius   auratus). 2020. PNAS. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2005545117.

[5]    Qing   Jiang†, Xiuting Hua†, Huihong Shi†, Jia Liu, …, Meijie Dou, Nameng Qi,   Yongjun Wang, Muqing Zhang, Ray Ming, Haibao Tang, and Jisen Zhang*.   Transcriptome dynamics provides insights into divergences of photosynthesis   pathway between Saccharum officinarum and Saccharum spontaneum.(2023) The   Plant Journal. DOI: 10.1111/TPJ.16110


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