PhD Supervisor
Yongxiu Xing
Release date:2024-08-13

Yongxiu Xing



College   of Agriculture,

Guangxi   University

Email: xyx@HG体育下载

Telephone: Updating


In   1997, graduated from Shanxi Agricultural University;

In   2001, received Master Degree from Guangxi University, China;

In   2006, received Ph.D. from Guangxi University, China;

In   2001, joined College of Agriculture, Guangxi University, and served as assistant   research fellow, associate professor and professor successively. During this   period, she finished her Postdoctoral works, in Guangxi Academy of   Agricultural Sciences and studied in University of Queensland, Australia as a   visiting scholar.


Plant   physiology


Physiological   ecology and efficient cultivation of sugarcane; Nitrogen fixation associated   with sugarcane; Interaction between plant growth   promoting bacteria and sugarcane


XING   lab's research mainly focuses on the basis research of physiological ecology   and efficient cultivation of sugarcane and interaction between plant growth   promoting bacteria and sugarcane. We isolated and evaluated nitrogen-fixing   and growth-promoting strains of sugarcane from different parts of sugarcane under   ecological condition, which laid a foundation for the establishment of the   only sugarcane nitrogen-fixing bacteria resource bank. The way of endophytic   azotobacter colonizing sugarcane and the factors affecting the combined   nitrogen fixation of sugarcane was figured out, and the low amount of   nitrogen fertilizer was beneficial to the combined nitrogen fixation of   sugarcane. We also strive to explore soil microecological mechanism on plant   growth promoting bacteria treatment in sugarcane and develop the foundation   of microbial fertilizer.


[1]     Dao-Jun Guo, Dong-Ping   Li, Rajesh Kumar Singh, Pratiksha Singh, Anjney Sharma, Krishan K. Verma,   Ying Qin, Qaisar Khan, Zhen Lu, Mukesh K. Malviya, Xiu-Peng Song, Yong-Xiu   Xing, Yang-Rui Li. Differential Protein Expression Analysis of Two Sugarcane   Varieties in Response to Diazotrophic Plant Growth-Promoting Endophyte Enterobacter   roggenkampii ED5. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, DOI:   10.3389/fpls.2021.727741

[2]     Dao-Jun Guo, Dongping   Li, Rajesh Kumar Singh, Pratiksha Singh, Krishan Kumar Verma, Anjney Sharma,   Ying Qin, Qaisar Khan, Xiu-Peng Song, Mukesh Kumar Malviya, Yong-Xiu Xing,   Yang-Rui Li. Comparative transcriptome analysis of two sugarcane varieties in   response to diazotrophic plant growth promoting bacteria. Journal of Plant   Interactions, 2021, DOI:10.1080/17429145.2021.2012608

[3]     Khan, Qaisar; Chen,   Jiao-Yun; Zeng, Xu-Peng; Qin, Ying; Guo, Dao-Jun; Mahmood, Amir; Yang, Li-Tao;   Liang, Qiang; Song, Xiu-Peng; Xing, Yong-Xiu; Li, Yang-Rui; Transcriptomic exploration   of a high sucrose mutant in comparison with the low sucrose mother genotype   in sugarcane during sugar accumulating stage, Global Change Biology Bioenergy,   2021, 13(9): 1448-1465

[4]     Qin Y; Xie X-Q; Qaisar   Khan; Wei J-L; Sun A-N; Su Y-M; Guo D-J; Li Y-R; Xing Y-X. Endophytic   nitrogen-fixing bacteria DX120E inoculation altered the carbon and nitrogen   metabolism in sugarcane, Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022, 33(11): 1-15

[5]     Qaisar Khan, Ying Qin,   Dao‑Jun Guo, Jiao‑Yun Che, Xu‑Peng Zeng, Amir Mahmood, Li‑Tao Yang, Qiang   Liang, Xiu‑Peng Son, Yong‑Xiu Xing and Yang‑Rui Li. Sucrose metabolism   analysis in a high sucrose sugarcane mutant clone at a mature stage in   contrast to low sucrose parental clone through the transcriptomic approach.   Chem. Biol. Technol. Agric.10, 39, 2023,


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